Two mops, one mass produced, gilded with imitation gold leaf, one hand made to 62% scale, gilded in 22 karat gold 60”x36”x12”

Two mops, one mass produced, gilded with imitation gold leaf, one hand made to 62% scale, gilded in 22 karat gold 60”x36”x12”

Two mops, one mass produced, gilded with imitation gold leaf, one hand made to 62% scale, gilded in 22 karat gold 60”x36”x12”

Two mops, one mass produced, gilded with imitation gold leaf, one hand made to 62% scale, gilded in 22 karat gold 60”x36”x12”
Keeping House reconfigures the viewers’ relationship to the human element of institutional cleanliness. It is an inquiry into tactile beauty and societal ugliness in the life of a Queer femme laboring as a maid. The work distills a microcosm of dehumanization amongst the many regularly employed to reinforce dominant power structures. Veronica Ceci’s art makes undervalued labor conspicuous through intense materiality, repetition, iconography and lived performance.